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East Meets West


The United States boasts herself as a melting pot of races. You don’t have to look far to attest to this. Look at ourselves; we are Asians who encounter with Caucasian and African Americans on a daily basis. Living in a heterogeneous ethnic society, we emit a distinct behavior patterns and ways of thinking that are different from other racial groups. Whether the distinction is subtle or obvious, it all has to do with cultural background. I find it interesting to bring up this subject and to see how we behave and react in comparison to our none-Asian counterparts. To make it easy, I use “Easterners” and “Westerners” with a broad brush. Sit back and enjoy the samples I compiled.

Type of Logic 思考邏輯

WESTERNERS--Linear (More causal relationships and direct associations between A and B) 直線式思考,注重因果關係
EASTERNERS--Spiral (more roundabout and subtle) 螺旋形思考,迂迴間接

Thinking Orientation 思考模式

WESTERNERS--More rules based or based on application of abstract principles such as regulations or laws 循規蹈矩,依規定辦事
EASTERNERS--Tends to take context and the specific situation into account in rule interpretation 合理化自己的行為

Time Sense During Meetings 時間觀念

WESTERNERS--Be on time and end on time. 注重準時開始與結束
EASTERNERS--Appointments less driven by exact start and end times 時間僅供參考

Communication of Information 溝通方法

WESTERNERS--More meaning is in the explicit, verbal message. Use of direct language 用言語直接表達
EASTERNERS--Meaning is often implied or must be inferred use of indirect language patterns 不會直說,要去猜對方真正的本意

Expression of Agreement and Disagreement 贊同與反對的表達

WESTERNERS--More argumentative, willing to express disagreement verbally 明白表達不同的意見或立場
EASTERNERS--More difficult to say no even if one means no, disagreement expressed nonverbally 即使不贊同也不明講(e.g. 再看看)

Expression of Honesty 誠實表達程度

WESTERNERS--More overt, one is more likely to ask the person to "speak their mind" or "get it out on the table" 直接明白詢問對方
EASTERNERS--Subtle, nonverbal 會非言語方式直接表達

Expression of Self 自我表達

WESTERNERS--"I"-oriented, Sender- oriented 個人主義,以「我」為中心
EASTERNERS--"We"-oriented, Receiver-sensitive 群體主義,以「我們」為中心

The Individual 個人觀念

WESTERNERS--Has to have rights and greater need for autonomy and individual achievement 重視自己的權利,強調個人成就
EASTERNERS--Group duty, preservation of harmony 強調團體責任,講求和諧

Nature of the Business Relationship 生意關係

WESTERNERS--Less important, tend to substitute relationship for written agreement, superficial, easy to form, not long lasting 以利為考量,凡事以「白紙黑字」為準
EASTNERS--Most important business cannot occur until relationship if sound, written agreement secondary to quan xi, hard to form, long lasting 重視人情關係,書面協議為次要

Conflict Resolution 衝突解決方法

WESTERNERS--Trial or confrontation, use of lawyers and courts 遇有衝突,喜歡找律師上法庭
EASTERNERS--More mediation though trusted third parties 請可靠人士居間協調

Conflict Results 衝突結果

WESTERNERS--Perception of two states: win or lose 不是你死就是我活
EASTERNERS--Win-Win. To lose is to win. Lose in order to win 追求雙贏,少輸為贏,「是禍不是禍」

Language 見面聊天

Westerners--It’s easy to speak too quickly and to use slang, which has the effect of excluding Easterners. Typical conversation topics like sports and television are outside the knowledge base of most Easterners. 喜歡用俚語,無所不談
Easterners--You are probably more critical of your own language skills than Westerners are. Don’t be afraid to make lots of mistakes; Westerners won’t mind. 擔心用字與文法,比較不願隨便開口

Sharing 分享

Westerners are not expected to share treats that they have with their friends. It is not considered rude to buy a chocolate bar and then to eat it around other people. 西方人比較沒有「分享」的習慣,自己顧自己
Easterners consider it’s rude not to share treats with your friends. In a country where things like fruits and candy are rare, when one person has some, their friends share with them. 好東西喜歡跟朋友分享

Group Dynamics 團體互動

In a normal discussion, Westerners can interrupt each other. They tend to find silence uncomfortable in conversations. 西方人進行討論時,比較會彼此插話。對話時,出現沈默無語得情況會讓雙方不自在。
Easterners do not generally interrupt each other. Especially in-group discussions, there must be pauses if they are to feel comfortable volunteering their opinion. They are unlikely to ‘dive in’ to the conversation 比較不愛插話,開會時,要在一片沈寂後才提出自己意見。比較不會隨性半途加入聊天陣容。

Questions 問答方式

Asking questions is very important in the West. The main way that people get to know each other is to ask questions about the other person. It is a way of showing interest in the other person. If they don’t want to answer, they will avoid the question, but are unlikely to be offended. Don’t be afraid to bring up questions or concerns. 西方人習慣用「問答」方式直接溝通,而且對於不喜歡的話題,避免接觸,但是,比較不會因為別人的問題,感到被冒犯。
Easterners are taught not to ask questions. They tend to get to know people more by spending time with them. If you do ask a personal question, you may have to ask several times before getting an answer. Easterners are less likely to complain about problems directly, but rather let it build up inside. There is a concern ‘not to be a pest’ 東方人從小被教導,不要隨便開口問問題。如果問了,有些問題要反覆問很多次,才會得到回應。心裡如果有不滿,不會直接表示,積在心裡。

Work 工作態度

Westerners do not take their work as personally as Easterners tend to. It is not that they don’t care about their work. They are more relaxed about their jobs. 工作態度比較輕鬆
Easterners tend to take their work personally. Tromping across their freshly cleaned floor, or showing up late when you are to be working with them can be seen as disrespectful. 凡事看得很嚴重

Leadership 領導方式

Westerners resent being told what to do, or how to do it. Leaders in the West usually make their requests as questions instead of commands. For example, telling a Westerner “Go do the dishes”, even if you are the boss, will irritate them. “Could you help out with the dishes?” will have the same effect, without them resenting you. 主管會以請求的口氣,請下屬辦事。
Authoritarian leadership is much more tolerated in the East, also in churches. Leadership is hierarchical, not team based. When an Easterner who is your boss orders you to do something, they aren’t necessarily power tripping, they’re just trying to do their job. 注重權威,主管以命令式口氣,指派下屬工作。

Chivalry 對待女性的方式

Equality between men and women is valued in the West. To imply that women are weaker, more emotional or that they need protection can be offensive. 男女平等,女性不願意被看成為「弱者」受到特別照顧
Chivalry is still alive and well in the East. Many women expect doors to be opened for them, to be served first at dinner, and for help in carrying heavy things 東方女性希望被照顧

Relationships 兩性關係

Westerners can have affectionate guy-girl friendships without any romantic interest. Be cautious in assuming a Westerner is romantically interested, even if their behaviors appears intimate. If you’re not kissing or holding hands, you’re probably not dating. 西方人男女間比較容易成為非「男女朋友」關係的朋友關係,男女2人看起來走的很近,如果沒有牽手或親嘴,那麼就不算是男女朋友。
Easterners tend to have a much lower threshold of what is considered a relationship. What Westerners might consider a normal guy-girl friendship can be read as definite interest in the other person. In particular, spending time alone with someone of the opposite sex is a strong sign of interest. 東方人對男女關係看的較嚴肅,男女2人如果單獨來往時間久了,鐵定公認為男女朋友。


Westerners are not likely to invite people to join them when they get together to talk. If there is a group gathered, you are generally welcome to join, even if they don’t invite you. If they are speaking quietly, or don’t look up and greet you, it is probably a private conversation 一群西方人在聊天時,外人比較容易直接加入,不用經過邀請
Easterners’ social get-togethers usually involve an invitation. Unless explicitly invited to a gathering many Easterners won’t feel welcome just showing up. 一群東方人聊天時,外人不容易加入,另一方面東方人如果不經過邀請,不太主動加入聊天陣容。

Friendships I 友誼

Westerners place a high value on having fun. This doesn’t mean that they don’t care about serious issues. If they see someone upset, they will often assume that the person wants to be left alone, unless they are good friends. 西方人注重樂趣,如果看到一個人神情不悅,會以為他不想搭理別人。
Easterners tend to value people being concerned about them when they are upset or depressed. If your questions are not welcome, they will indicate it, but will generally appreciate the concern. 東方人對認識的人有較多的關心,過多的關切可能是個負擔,但是,被關心的人還是會心存感謝。


Westerners can become intimate quite quickly in friendships, but that doesn’t mean that they are committed. Commitment takes longer to happen. 西方人容易因熟悉而快速發展出朋友關係,但不表示一定維持長久關係。
In the East, commitment is more closely tied to intimacy. There is an expectation that friendship, after a deep talk, will continue at the same level. 東方人認為熟悉後建立的友誼應該持續存在。

In conclusion, I shall point out that I mean not to be judgmental. They are simply an examination of culture difference between East and West. It’s a list of close to forty years of personal observation of our human behaviors in dealing with culture differences.


Jackson Chang

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