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(吳文馨譯自張世勳Houston Salad Bowl) 一盤沙拉可以提供給我們許多佐菜。依據您的喜愛,這些佐菜可以是混合著各式各樣的綠色香草或蔬菜,蕃茄,生菜,菠菜,包心菜,紅蘿蔔,白蘿蔔,洋菇,香菇等等,有些時候和起士,肉片,魚片或可能是水果,一齊調配混合。這盤綜合沙拉經過準備處理,切片,再配以沙拉醬,清爽可口。我們可以從沙拉盤看見並嚐到各種蔬菜佐菜的味道。當我們一口一口嚐著這盤沙拉中各樣的佐菜時,每一樣菜的佳味都更甜美,更可口了。











By Jackson Chang

A plate of salad can be served with a variety of ingredients. Depending upon what type of salad we desire, these ingredients can be a mixture of all sorts of green herbs and vegetables – tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, cabbage, carrots, radishes, onions, mushrooms, etc.--tossed together sometimes even being mixed with cheeses, fruit and meats or perhaps, fish. The mixture is being processed, prepared and served with a dressing. We can see and taste the individual vegetable ingredients in the salad bowl. The flavor of each ingredient is enhanced as we devour each collectively as a dish of salad.

Different ethnic races, in this great nation of the United States of America, are like the many ingredients in a salad recipe. Each day we see citizens of different ethnic backgrounds live and work together. It’s similar to different ingredients in the salad bowl. When you mix all these individual persons together, add common goals (like dressings in the salad), you have just made the country of the United States of America. These common goals make this country a better place for everyone to have a chance to realize their dreams, a better place to raise their families and a better place for all to live and work.

When we look at the make up of the population in Houston, we see many ethnicities and nationalities. The predominant groups in our city consist of Anglo-Saxons, Hispanics African-Americans and Asians. Each group has their own unique traditions, customs and religions. Some even have their own languages, schools and newspapers. While integrating, everyone is striving to live in harmony. The Taiwanese is one of these groups engaging in earnest to be a part of this community.

Today there are at least fifty thousand people in the Houston area that have a Taiwanese heritage. Most of them immigrated to the United States in the last twenty-five years. But some came as early as forty years ago. Only since the early eighties, have we seen more Mother Land Taiwanese immigrate to the Houston area. These new immigrants were showered with better financial support and better understanding of the United States before departing from Taiwan. More Taiwanese owned businesses and organizations have started to flourish here. This is where Taiwanese immigrants meet and socialize together to exchange information about Taiwan and local activities. We have also noticed that more parents are sending their children to Chinese schools to learn more about the Taiwan’s culture and ways of life. Many young American born Taiwanese are very familiar with our Taiwanese traditions and are very proud of who we are. On the contrary, many older American born Taiwanese did not have the opportunity to share the same experiences. Most of them grew up in the early seventies where the Taiwanese population was very small in Houston. They had fewer chances to be exposed to their own heritages other than what was offered at home. These American Taiwanese were less influenced by Taiwanese heritages and cultures. Their way of life made it harder for them to identify themselves with later arrivals.

For a successful and delicious Houston salad, the dressing must play an important roll of bringing the flavor out of the vegetables. As an individual ethnicity and culture we must have common goals to keep us together in harmony. What are the common goals every person is seeking? Some of the important ones are to make Houston a better place to live, a better place to raise our families and a better place to continue to practice our own traditions. Many of us forgot about the importance of contributing our own share of responsibilities in these common goals. As immigrants, we were faced with a harder reality for making a successful living. We had to work extra hard to reach the level of accomplishment that might have seemed easy to others. In the process of doing so, we forgot the importance of community and social obligations. We neglected our own surroundings and community as a whole. The United States is a country where every one is created equal. Every one has an opportunity to speak up for his or her own thoughts. The expression of oneself is encouraged. Unfortunately, the lack of enthuastic participation is one of the biggest flaws in the Taiwanese community. Typical excuses are “I was too busy at that time”, “I do not speak good English” and “I don’t know anybody there”. Well, time is as important as you want it to be, priorities are set according to one’s importance. If you do not speak good English, perhaps it’s time to emphasis your language training. The reason you don’t know anybody is because you never gave yourself a change to meet new friends. Several years ago the new captain of the Houston Police Westside Commanding Station wanted to become familiar with the surrounding communities. He initiated town hall meetings to different community groups. In both the African and Hispanic communities town hall meeting, many citizens of the area showed up to express their concern and support for the captain. Ironically, in the Asian town hall meeting almost no one showed up. This captain sarcastically told me “You Asians must not have any problems”, because only two concerned Asians were in the town hall meeting. The other example of non-participating in the community affair was the Southwest Houston Redevelopment Authority meeting. A planning and discussion town hall meeting on Bellaire Blvd. and Fondren Road were published in all the Chinese newspapers to solicit questions and answers to better the neighborhood environment. This was a very important meeting where fourteen million dollars of bond money was going to be spent to enhance traffic, safety and beautification of the area. This is the area where the Southwest Chinatown is located with more than fifty percent of the properties being owned by the Asians. I counted no more than seven Asians present in the meeting. This included three Chinese newspaper reporters and myself. Again, the Asians were proven to be a group of non-communication and non- social activity, even though the gain was for our own benefit.

On the positive note, some Asians do care about the community we live in! Organizations have planned service projects to clean neighborhood areas and have gathered financial and manpower supports in the Asian community to help the less fortunate people in Houston. We showed we cared about the city we live in. We contributed to the society we call Houston. Many Asians have also shown interests in local politics. Among them are Texas State Legislator Martha Wong and Houston City Council member Gordon Quan. Their notoriety in the mainstream press enhanced and promoted Asians to be one of the dominant groups in Houston. We want our next generation to be better accepted by our society. We want them to be able to surplus us in this land of opportunities. We have to show we want to be part of this great nation. We have to show that we want to participate to bring this nation to an even better nation in the world community.

Communication is the root to understanding one another. Understanding one another is an important tool to reduce frictions among the different ethnic groups. Only through understanding and caring for one another and thru common goals of the community and society can we have a peaceful and prosperous place to realize our dreams, a place to have our families and a better place to live and work. The common goals are the dressing of the Houston Salad. We have all the rights to exercise our own religions, practice our own traditions and speak in our own native tongue. But as a part of this great city, we have to work toward the common goal. We are individual ingredients bonded by the delicious dressing. We are the famous Houston Salad. Try it; you most certainly will enjoy the taste of it!

Jackson Chang

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