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「財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會」(www.FICHET.org.tw)將於5月27日至6月2日,與國內21所公私立大專院校組團前來參加於美國德州休士頓George R. Brown Convention Center舉辦之美洲教育者年會(NAFSA, Association of International educators)。美洲教育者年會本年將有超過1萬2千名來自世界各地的國際教育人員出席,此次年會中,臺灣將設有一處教育展攤位,及舉辦一場講座發表,期能吸引許多國際教育者,藉以大幅度提昇臺灣高等教育的國際知名度,促進臺灣各大專院校與國際接軌之機會。

臺灣院校參與美洲教育者年會已行之有年,今年在教育部、駐休士頓臺北經文處文化組、「財團法人高等教育國際合作基金會」主辦與承辦院校淡江大學共同辦理下,計有國內21所公私立大專院校,包括教育部國際文教處研究員吳亞君博士、高等教育國際合作基金會陳惠美執行長及多所院校之校長、國際長等50多位代表參與年會及教育展。臺灣攤位每日將有Happy Hour 造勢活動,將以中國結編織藝術來展現臺灣多元文化之特色。


來訪之臺灣院校將與駐休士頓文化組所邀請的美南地區大學院校主管於5月28日中午12點假Crowne Plaza Hotel River Oaks會議廳舉行「臺美圓桌會議」,雙方預計將有40餘所學校參與。會中將就臺美獎學金計畫、訓練臺灣之英語師資及學校排名如何影響臺美大學合作等議題進行討論。5月30日晚上則將由駐休士頓文化組安排,假Kim Son Restaurant Downtown舉辦臺灣之夜餐會(Taiwan Night),駐休士頓辦事處廖東周處長及同仁、所有參展校代表及其海外姐妹校共同參加,估計參與人數達130位。期使透過本次會議及餐會加深雙方之瞭解,使能提升未來更多臺美學術交流及合作機會。


Higher Education Institutions from Taiwan Participate in NAFSA in the US

“The Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan” and 21 higher education institutions participated in the 64th NAFSA, Association of International educators

The Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan and 21 higher education institutions will participate in the 64th NAFSA, Association of International educators at the George R. Brown Convention Center, Texas Houston from May 27th to June 1st. In addition to the “Study in Taiwan” pavilion, Taiwan has one session “English-taught degree program: Challenges and opportunities” presented by Feng Chia University to further increase the international visibility of Taiwan’s higher education and the opportunity of international cooperation.

In the past years, the Foundation for International Cooperation in Higher Education of Taiwan (FICHET) has been leading Taiwan’s higher education institutions to participate in the NAFSA conference. This year, under the coordination of Ministry of Education, FICHET and Tamkang University, there are over 50 representatives from 21 higher education institutes attending the conference, and most of the representatives are the Deans of Office of International Affairs. In addition to the meetings with the foreign educators, Taiwan booth will also hold the “Happy Hour” activity during the conference, giving away exquisite gifts such as Chinese knots offered by universities of Taiwan.

The collaboration and interactions between higher education institutions in the United States and Taiwan have been increasingly active. For example, the number of Mandarin learning students, degree students and exchange students from the US has grown from 4,863 in 2010 to 5,487 in 2011. In addition to mandarin learning, the major subject fields for degree students are Business and Management, Humanities and engineering. Therefore, in this year’s NAFSA, Taiwan’s higher education institutions offer joint/dual degree courses, high-level partnership establishment opportunities, exchange programs in teaching/research staffs and students, Mandarin Chinese programs and short-term programs with the advantage of “affordable scholarship, quality education, culture diversity and friendly environment” to attract more excellent international students to study in Taiwan and strengthen the cooperation with higher education institutions in the US.

A roundtable meeting will be held on May 28th for the university representatives from Taiwan and the US. The topics this year include how to consolidate the substantial collaboration in Taiwan-US scholarship program, trainings for English program instructors in the universities of Taiwan, and effects of university rankings on international collaboration between universities of Taiwan and the US. In addition, to increase the interactions and collaboration opportunities between Taiwan and participating universities, the dinner banquet, Taiwan Night, is held on May 30th by the Ministry of Education at Kin Son Restaurant. Universities of Taiwan can invite their partner universities to attend the event where they can discuss collaboration opportunities and at the same time enjoy the performance at the banquet.

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