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CACA Commitment: Our Future, Our Legacy


全美同源會第51屆雙年度年會全國代表大會於7月27日星期三至在7月30日星期六在Galleria的Hilton Houston Post Oak召開, 休士頓的夏天雖然高溫潮溼 , 卻有很多提早到的代表們 , 大家迫不急待能再共聚一堂 , 交換訊息分享近況。

休士頓同源會計劃周詳 , 為了讓大家品嚐不同口味 , 且感受到德州熱情好客的風情 , 7月26日的歡迎晚宴安排兩梯次。第一梯次由駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處陳方正處長在官邸宴請遠道而來的50多位代表 , 有些已是多年舊識 , 能在休士頓相見倍感親切 ; 大家非常感謝陳處長及夫人的盛情款待 , 美食香醇佳餚 , 傾心暢談天下事 , 彷佛回家大團圓 , 讓大家共渡溫馨難忘的仲夏之夜 ; 陳處長及夫人也非常關心代表們在休士頓開會期間的需要, 預祝大會圓滿成功。第二梯次的佳賓由前全美同源會總會長Munson Kwok及夫人Suellen作東 , 在Galleria 的Ninfa’s吃道地的墨西哥餐 , 令人垂涎的Tex – Mex菜單 , 讓人大飽口福 , 美國南部多元文化的共存共榮 , 飲食也是文化傳承之一。

同 源會 成立在 1895 年, 是全國歷史最悠久的民權團體之一。總部在三藩市, 分會散布在 Albuquerque (NM), Chicago (IL), Greater San Gabriel Valley (CA), Houston (TX), Las Vegas (NV), Los Angeles (CA), Mississippi, Oakland (CA), Orange County (CA), Peninsula (CA), Phoenix (AZ), Portland (OR), Salinas(CA), San Antonio (TX), San Francisco (CA), Seattle (WA), Tucson, (AZ),and Washington D.C. 等18個地區。 同源會關心的問題例如選民註冊,參加政治活動,人種歧視, 憎恨罪行,青年領袖訓練, 和華人平等就業機會。

圖一:陳方正處長歡迎全美同源會總會長Carolyn Hong Chan 攝於官邸


Chinese American Citizens Alliance
Opens 51st Biennial Convention

Houston, Texas—Welcome to H-Town! If you missed last night’s pre-convention activities, we had an unprecedented number of early arrivers to beat the afternoon heat. Settling in at the Hilton Post Oak, most of the arrivers were hosted at two pre-convention dinner functions. The first was hosted by the Taipei Economic and Culture Office at the beautiful Memorial home of Director General and Mrs. Joseph Chen. About 50 delegates and guests were treated to a delicious fare of Chinese and Taiwanese delicacies. Also, great thanks to Director General & Mrs. Chen for their Texas-Taiwan hospitality and for the special attention to the needs of our convention and convention attendees

Another group of early arrivers were hosted by Past Grand President Munson Kwok at the Ninfa’s Mexican Restaurant in the Galleria. Once again, a bountiful menu of Tex-Mex was the order of the day for a hungry group of conventioneers. Thanks to Bro. Munson & Sis. Suellen for their generosity!

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