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松年學院面對日本的災難 回應「人溺己溺」的精神捐一日所需


Dear members of HTISC,

May Grace, Love and Peace be with you all,

We would like to write a letter to Japan Consul General in Houston next week to show our deepest sympathy to victims of the March 11 earthquake and Tsunami of Japan. My message of this week is “the benevolent loves others” for your reference and we will take an action to collect money, please prepare your donation for our care. (Tax deductable) Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive. …for God loves a cheerful giver. Check please payable to HTISC and note for Tsunami. Thank you for your attention on this matter.

Samuel Hsu, President



2011/3/11中午1時46分,日本東北部海域發生8.9級的地震引發日本國史上最大的海嘯和核能電廠輻射外洩災難與悲劇,造成了上萬人民傷亡。學院面對日本強烈地震,大海嘯及核能電廠輻射外洩危機的災難我們也回應「人溺己溺」的精神,並以行動捐獻致函日本大使來表示我們松年人對日本災難的關心。請您一定來參加這有意義的關懷活動,送溫暖的心到日本。附上院長的話 Messages from President「人溺己溺」供参。耶穌說﹕施比受更為有福﹗" 捐得樂意的人﹐是上主所喜悅的.捐款抬頭:HTISC並註明Tsunami (可抵稅優惠) 。謝謝您關切此事。願神祝福您!

院長 許勝弘

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