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維基解密創辦人在英國投案 新聞自由及人權定義爭論中 記者無國界組織自巴黎發信予英國當局 呼籲中著重政府政策透明原則 以及針對反恐活動的不當祕密處理手法 並期待維護當事人之自辨權利


以下為記者無國界組織秘書長Jean-François Julliard 署名之信件全文:

Reporters Sans Frontières

Published on 7 December 2010

Call for UK judicial impartiality after Julian Assange’s arrest

The Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke MP
Secretary of State for Justice Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France
London SW1H 9AJ
United Kingdom

Paris, 7 December 2010

Dear Secretary of State,

Following WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s arrest by the British police today, Reporters Without Borders urges you to guarantee respect for his defence rights despite the extreme tension surrounding this case. The proceedings should concern solely the accusations of a private nature that have been made against Mr. Assange in Sweden and must not turn into a proxy trial for the publication of leaked documents by WikiLeaks.

Mr. Assange is now waiting to appear before a judge who will decide whether he is to be extradited to Sweden, and whether he is to remain in detention or be released. If the latter option is chosen, he will probably have to deposit bail of at least 100,000 pounds (120,000 euros) and provide six guarantors to avoid remaining in custody.

Mr. Assange’s lawyer, Mark Stephens, told Reporters Without Borders on 4 December that it would take 10 days from the international warrant’s issue to its reception by the police “unless Mr. Assange is treated differently.” Mr. Assange’s gesture of good faith in presenting himself to the police should be taken into account by those responsible for considering the case.

Reporters Without Borders has repeatedly condemned the blocking, cyber-attacks and political pressure being directed at WikiLeaks. This is the first time we have seen an attempt at the international level to censor a website dedicated to the principle of transparency.

We therefore call for the British judicial system to be allowed to examine Mr. Assange’s case with all the required impartiality and without it being subjected to any external governmental pressure. The authorities of certain countries seem to want to obtain Mr. Assange’s conviction or at least to prevent him from continuing his activities in order to put a stop to WikiLeaks’ revelations, without regard to freedom of information. We would like to point out that WikiLeaks has played a useful role by publicising serious human rights violations that were committed in the name of the “war against terror” during the past decade.

We thank you in advance for the attention you give to our request.

Yours sincerely,

Jean-François Julliard
Reporters Without Borders secretary-general

Reporters Without Borders defends imprisoned journalists and press freedom throughout the world. It has nine national sections (Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland). It has representatives in Bangkok, New York, Tokyo and Washington. And it has more than 120 correspondents worldwide.

© Reporters Without Borders - 47, rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris - France

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