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路州首府Baton Rouge報紙The Advocate刊出有關FTA社論原文


路易斯安那州首府Baton Rouge辯護報(The Advocate),以「貿易協定有助景氣回升」為題,支持歐巴馬總統爭取國會批准美國與南韓、哥倫比亞和巴拿馬簽署的自由貿易協定(FTA)。











眾議員Charles Boustany稍早曾呼籲行政部門,推動爭取貿易協議獲國會核准通過。他在與「倡導者報」的編輯群會面時表示,自由貿易中的「不需成本的振興貿易,將使經濟受益」。





以下為The Advocate社論原文:

Our views: Trade pacts help recovery

• Advocate Opinion page staff

• Published: Jul 12, 2010

The financial shocks that disabled the world economy were a global phenomenon. In good news for recovery, President Barack Obama now recognizes that the United States ought to be encouraging more trade to lift the world economy.

Following up on an earlier promise on the South Korean free-trade agreement, Obama said Wednesday that he also would push for approval of separate free-trade agreements with Colombia and Panama.

The agreements reduce tariffs and other trade barriers between the countries involved. Despite the economic benefits for both nations in each pact, some Democrats in Congress have opposed the treaties negotiated during the administration of President George W. Bush.

A characteristic Obama theme, that we should not be in constant us-against-them mode in political life, was struck by the president on free trade — something he’d been critical of on the campaign trail, where he pandered to anti-trade union sentiments.

“For a long time, we were trapped in a false political debate in this country, where business was on one side and labor was on the other,” Obama said at a White House event highlighting the administration’s efforts to promote exports. “What we now have an opportunity to do is to refocus our attention where we’re all in it together.”

Trade is one area in which Obama can make common cause with even his vociferous Republican opposition.

In a meeting with editors of The Advocate, U.S. Rep. Charles Boustany, R-Lafayette, earlier called on the administration to push for approval of the trade pacts. He said the “cost-free stimulus” of more trade would benefit the economy.

Boustany represents southwestern Louisiana, where the important Port of Lake Charles is situated, but his remarks are relevant to all the ports in Louisiana. More free-trade agreements would be good for Louisiana’s position as an export leader.

We hope Obama will follow through, despite the political difficulties. He should not stop at South Korea, as important a trade partner as that nation is. He also should seek a free-trade pact with Taiwan, the island democracy and major Asia economic player off the coast of the mainland.

Purists will argue that these bilateral trade pacts aren’t as good as a general agreement on world trade. The purists are right. However, it’s been so difficult to negotiate a general deal that international trade talks regularly deadlock.

Free-trade agreements are a way to gain benefits between the United States and its partners. The president is right to support them.

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